


Minute Maid Park


Houston, 也被称为河口城, 太空城和世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, might be adding another title as it is rapidly gaining recognition as an international sports city.

在多年竞标和主办小型活动之后, the Houston region has successfully secured and will host a series of major sporting events in the upcoming years, 包括2024年大学橄榄球季后赛全国锦标赛, 2026年FIFA世界杯, and the 2025, 2027年和2031年AAU青年奥林匹克运动会. 休斯顿最近还举办了NCAA四强赛, 美国女子职业高尔夫球协会雪佛龙锦标赛, and has been announced as a host city for several 2023 CONCACAF Gold Cup matches. 

According to a recent report from OLBG, Houston is the sixth most valuable sports city in the U.S. 从NFL的收入来看, NBA, MLB, NHL, 和美国职业足球大联盟球队,并预测收入增长, 但预计到2030年,它将进入前五名. 人们纷纷猜测,休斯顿可能很快就会迎来一支NHL球队, 《皇冠HGA010官方下载》报道, 哪些因素可以进一步提升其排名. 

尽管休斯顿赢了几场比赛,但它还是排在了第1位. 29 in a recent evaluation of the 50 best cities for sports business by the Sports Business Journal, behind Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. Criticisms revolved around Houston's sprawling nature and lack of walkability. 人们提出的另一个担忧是其场馆相对新鲜, 拥有三个主要体育场——nrg体育场, Minute Maid Park, 和丰田中心——建于21世纪初. 壳牌皇冠HGA010官方下载体育场是最新的大型体育场,于2012年开放.  

除了占地350英亩的NRG中心, NRG体育馆和Astrodome, 缺乏吸引人的场所,如餐馆, bars, and hotels for visitors detracts from Houston's identity as a sports city, 休斯顿第一公司首席执行官迈克尔·赫克曼表示.  

To address this, Houston First and organizations like the South Main Alliance's Main Street Coalition are actively exploring comprehensive plans to develop the area and attract commercial developers to this currently underdeveloped region.  

The Houston Astros recently announced plans for an entertainment district adjacent to Minute Maid Park that will feature a 17-story hotel, 60,000 square feet of retail space for restaurants and shops and a three-level gathering area for fans to watch Astros games and other major sporting events on a massive outdoor screen. 该场馆还将举办现场音乐表演. 太空人计划在2024年11月破土动工.

NRG Park also has plans to revamp its complex over several years while Minute Maid Park has recently completed upgrades to its video display technology as part of a new partnership with Samsung, 除了它的8,500-square-foot team store constructed at center field and new food options. 

在接受《Hga010皇冠软件下载》采访时, Heckman stated that “the trend [for cities] is to create these entertainment districts around the sports and entertainment complexes. For us, I think it's a phenomenal opportunity to learn lessons from the others that have done this around the country, 也让它成为独一无二的休斯顿.” 

虽然目前还没有明确的计划, NRG Park CEO and Executive Director Ryan Walsh believes that the area around the complex is “really ripe for development. Give it five years... 我想你会在这个领域看到很多变化.” 

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A project aims to increase Houston’s walkability by transforming seven blocks in downtown into a car-free, 方便的目的地. 该项目被称为“更多空间:主街2”.0, will extend Main Street from Commerce to Rusk and add four additional blocks from Rusk to Allen’s Landing, 使该区域跨越11个街区. 扩建工程将永久阻断通往该地区的交通, 创造一个人们可以安全用餐的长廊, shop and gather.  Click to expand Originally launched as a response to support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, 更大的空间:主街2.0 project initially enabled businesses to utilize roadway space for outdoor dining while people enjoyed expanded walking areas. The program’s popularity led the Houston City Council to formally approve its permanent implementation in 2023, 目的是吸引更多的游客来这个地区.  Click to expand 由休斯顿市中心+带头, 该项目目前处于最后的设计和工程阶段, 其中包括新的安全过境点的计划, shaded social areas, 景观美化和公共艺术装置. Construction is scheduled to commence in 2025 and expected to finish ahead of the city’s FIFA World Cup 2026™ matches.  "The Main Street Promenade is a transformative project defining the next chapter of Main Street and Downtown,市长约翰·惠特迈尔在新闻发布会上说, 《皇冠HGA010官方下载》报道. “我对伦敦金融城的未来感到兴奋, including downtown, where we are designing a destination that attracts more people to work, live and play."  更多空间:主街2.0 is just one of several initiatives underway aimed at improving walkability in Houston. Another project, East Blocks, 由房地产开发商Pagewood和wille Interests牵头, will convert warehouses in East Downtown into a walkable 10-block mixed-use district. Additionally, The Plant, 一个17英亩的混合用途区, 会改造第二区历史悠久的街道吗, establishing a pedestrian-friendly district lined with a diverse mix of restaurants and shops.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息. 
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Houston has once again topped the rankings of an annual list of America’s Best Cities, 声称在州内排名第一. 全美排名第10,超过达拉斯和奥斯汀.  The report, 由国际咨询公司Resonance编制, 对人口超过500的城市进行排名,以宜居性为基础, 可爱与繁荣. The Bayou City has consistently ranked high on Resonance’s list over the years, placing No. 9 in 2023 and No. 11 in 2022, 因其文化多样性而备受赞誉, 获奖餐厅场景, 财富500强企业的数量和生活质量.  Houston’s population gains can be attributed to its quality of life and strong economy. 根据大休斯顿合伙公司的分析, 休斯顿增加了近140人,到2023年将有1万名居民, 这标志着美国人口增长率第二高.S. metros.  奥斯汀可能会得到关注, but the promise of the Lone Star State drawing Californians and New Yorkers is quietly being fulfilled in Houston,报告说。.  This year’s report again recognizes Houston as one of the most diverse cities in the nation, with one in four residents being foreign-born and over 145 languages spoken, earning it the No. 在该报告的文化类别中排名第21位. The report also highlights the city's wealth of international festivals, 世界级的博物馆和文化中心, 包括将于明年开放的新伊斯玛仪中心.  Houston’s dining scene ranked fourth in the report’s restaurant subcategory, 排在旧金山等热门美食目的地之前, 拉斯维加斯和迈阿密. 这座城市因其多样化的菜肴而赢得赞誉, described in the report as “Southern Soul and barbecue with Mexican that’s then seasoned with global cuisine.今年早些时候, 11 Houston restaurants and chefs were named semifinalists for the 2024 James Beard Awards.   该报告还称赞了休斯顿强劲的经济,排名第一. 3 in the country for the number of Fortune 500 companies and patents. 休斯顿有26家财富500强企业, making it the third-largest hub for Fortune 500 headquarters in the nation. 作为商业发展和机遇的枢纽, 休斯顿最近还被评为最适合发展企业的城市, 根据RevOps团队的一项新研究.  Additionally, Resonance recognized the Bayou City for its leadership in the global energy transition, with an estimated $250 billion in potential investment in the region over the next 15 years, 根据麦肯锡最近的一份报告. 该报告还强调了休斯顿作为太空城的声誉, 提到了关键的设施和投资,比如休斯顿太空港, 它是由获得nasa合同的公司Axiom Space主持的, 柯林斯航空航天和直觉机器公司.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息.  
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